Hello future builders, we're 3 programmer-artists that make up the Seismic Octopus team: Mitchell Koch - lead programmer, game tester, researcher Priscilla Lo - project manager, sound design, lead 2D artist, programmer, documentation Maxime Vincent - lead 3D artist, lighting designer, game tester We finished this course in May 2020 with a final release of Build-a-Furniture available on GitHub: https://github.com/Areizza/Build-a-Furniture Although this semester was full of hardships and unprecedented times near the end, we got through it together and are proud to present our simple web-VR game. Check it out and let us know what you think! :)
With the final submission looming closer, most of my effort was directed at replacing some hard-coded game-play functionality with dynamic data from the Builder and Finder systems (~3 hours), assisting my team with issues they encountered (~2-3 hours), and getting the shelf and chair ready to be built by the players (~8 hours). The Builder and Finder systems still had a few hard-coded values from the Beta build of the project that were specific to constructing the table, so I worked on replacing those with the data that is contained in the instructions arrays that Priscilla and Maxime created this week. I was initially have problems accessing this array before I discovered that JavaScript arrays can be accessed by string, which simplified it a lot. Below is an example of the before and after of this process. // Before socket . on ( 'setFurn' , function ( data ) { this . current = data . id ; // Where data.id was always "table" this . step = ...