Up until the Alpha presentation on Friday, I worked on bringing in Maxime's Living Room environment obj-model into Mitchell's A-frame prototype. This required importing the obj, positioning it appropriately, setting materials, and adding some lights into the scene (~2hrs). There were some issues at first with the model being small enough but feeling very cramped; there was not enough space to really build furniture. This model will need to be adjusted in the near future to fix this. Another issue was that the materials were not loading properly and adding lights turned everything black. Some experimentation with the light types, positioning, and intensity helped to solve this to be sufficient enough for the Alpha prototype, which can be seen in the image below.
I also worked on helping to try debug the code for the snapping function (~2hrs), which involves a snap to the correct position when two furniture pieces collide at the appropriate location (i.e. table leg touches the join position of the table top). JavaScript and A-frame are very finicky, and the console log messages were quite vague.
During the reading week, my main goal is to find sound effects for the game and to create a looping soundtrack for both environments. A big challenge I had this week is that it is Reading Week and I originally had a lot planned, some of which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the amount of homework assigned.
I also looked into sound effect libraries for ambient sounds and other noises that would be relevant to our game (~2hrs). Some resources I found for free sound effects include:
I also worked on helping to try debug the code for the snapping function (~2hrs), which involves a snap to the correct position when two furniture pieces collide at the appropriate location (i.e. table leg touches the join position of the table top). JavaScript and A-frame are very finicky, and the console log messages were quite vague.
During the reading week, my main goal is to find sound effects for the game and to create a looping soundtrack for both environments. A big challenge I had this week is that it is Reading Week and I originally had a lot planned, some of which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the amount of homework assigned.
I also looked into sound effect libraries for ambient sounds and other noises that would be relevant to our game (~2hrs). Some resources I found for free sound effects include:
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