This sprint we focused on the laying the groundwork for the project and writing the design document. For the design document, I outlined the Technical Requirements, Technical Features, Interaction Features, and created a user experience flow chart (~4-5 hours). The rest of the sprint was spent testing the JavaScript packages we plan to, or are interested in, implementing in the project (~4-6 hours). Creating the user experience flow chart took a few iterations as we weren’t certain of the final gameplay. The current version is fairly linear, but the gameplay is straight forward to make it easy to pick up and play. A part of the final user experience flow chart. The packages I tested for our project were aframe-extras , aframe-physics , and aframe-click-drag-component . ‘Extras’, as the name suggests, adds some extra functionality to A-Frame, including controller support, ‘Physics’ adds a physics system, while ‘C...